A Reliable Electrical Construction Company
At Fordham Electric Southeast, we know that our name is our reputation. For this reason, we are deeply committed to delivering quality services. Our determination and focus save you time and money while increasing productivity.
Why Choose Us
Innovative engineering techniques, exemplary on-site performance, and dedication to customer service are just a few of the qualities that make us stand out from the crowd. We go the extra mile for our clients by providing them with timely estimates based on their area and needs.
Our electrical expertise, combined with exceptional customer service during all phases of planning, designing, and construction, ensures consistent customer satisfaction. As always, our clients can expect excellence when they choose us.
Work With Us
For all of your electrical wiring needs, turn to us. We don’t shy away from challenging jobs and our friendly team is always willing to help. If you have any questions or inquiries about the services we offer, we encourage you to reach out to us.